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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Instituto de Educação Física e Esportes

Área do conteúdo


The teaching-learning process of the Physical Education Course at UFC is developed from multiple didactic possibilities. It seeks the theoretical deepening related to the social and cultural reality, as well as to strengthen the theory-practice integration, in the different disciplines, as well as to promote the interdisciplinary perspective that the course proposes, through dialogue, interaction and cooperation between the different disciplines. At first, this interdisciplinary character is done in a more targeted way in the disciplines of Integrative Practice, as will be described later. Then, through integrative projects that articulate the knowledge developed throughout the disciplines that are taken each semester.

The training of the student is provided through the most diverse teaching-learning experiences, with innovative methodologies and engaged in an education that values diversity and human individuality.

Summary of the guiding principles of IEFES courses.

  • Ethical Principles: of autonomy, social commitment and individual and collective identity;
  • Political Principles: Equanimity that generates equality of rights and duties of citizenship based on collective deliberation and the exercise of criticality;
  • Aesthetic Principles: sensitivity, affection, creativity, playfulness, quality and diversity. Understanding the beautiful as a founding instance of affections and emotions, as well as the complexity of the feedback of knowledge that emerges from everyday life, whether through information technologies, the usual symbolic exchanges, or through the media and mass communication;
  • Epistemological Principles: from learning to know with rigor, systematics and criticality;
  • Pedagogical Principles: valuing the multiple knowledge and pluridimensionality of the human being, in the dialogical as a founding dimension of significant knowledge;
  • Theoretical-methodological principles: full professional praxis is sought, built through teaching and research-intervention activities, which promote the construction of knowledge from the lived world and the students’ previous knowledge.
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